About Us

Scripture of the day

"He Himself bore our sins' in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; 'by His wounds you have been healed."

1 Peter 2:24

Our Services

  • The Message

    Delivering the Word of God every Sunday.

    Praise & Worship | 10 AM

    Sermon | 11 AM

  • Praise & Worship

    Lift every voice and sing.
    Our praise team makes a joyful noise through music and singing!

  • Youth Ministry

    Our youth is our future, we must teach and show them the purest of ways.

Our Contact

  • 855 N. Nelson Road
    Columbus, OH 43219

  • 614.914.8388
    How can we help you?

  • newcreationmbc@yahoo.com